What we plan to do

Work with our cultural partners inside and outside the city to maintain Brighton & Hove’s position as a significant cultural leader regionally and nationally.

Work with our cultural partners to increase engagement and particpation in the arts in the city, including supporting targeted work at those currently not engaged and those less engaged.

Advocate and evidence the role and impact arts and culture has on wider agendas such as economy and enterprise, learning and particpation, sustainability, public safety and health & happiness.

Continue to work in partnership with the Arts and Creative Industries Commission on protecting and nurturing the cultural and creative sector through influencing policy and through joint working.

Continue our focus on supporting the film cluster in the city

Encourage residents to value and engage with their surroundings through public art and placemaking projects.

Protect and support the diversity of the arts and cultural sector through investment, policy support and joint commissioning.

Work through planning and other policy to support, protect and develop our cultural infrastructure and heritage​