What we plan to do

Ensure future planning proposals help to achieve the aims of the green network/NIA , to help climate-proof the biodiversity of Brighton & Hove, address habitat creation targets and to make it easier for people to experience nature as part of everyday life in the city. Integrate climate change adaptation planning into this work.

Implement the supplementary planning document on Nature Conservation and Development to promote the integration of biodiversity into development.

Ensure the  review of the city’s Sites of Nature Conservation Importance informs the designation of Local Wildlife Sites in the City Plan Part Two.

Maintain traditional sheep grazing across 110 hectares of key chalk grassland sites in the city to safeguard their nature conservation value.

Encourage further wildflower habitat creation schemes and pollinator planting, working in partnership under the Biosphere programme.  

Seek to conserve and enhance the city’s ‘green infrastructure’ and green network through greater integration in public sector policy and management practice.

Open Spaces Strategy adopted policies:

a) Promote and pursue positive conservation management of semi-natural habitats on the council’s managed land holdings, especially in designated nature conservation sites, the Nature Improvement Area , priority habitats and those acting as a wildlife stepping stone, and for priority species.

b) Seek ways to encourage investment in the Public Rights of Way and Open Access infrastructure including missing paths, signs, fences and gates etc.

c) Continue to implement wildflower planting within all open spaces including parks and gardens which can enhance biodiversity, taking into account resilience to climate change and the need for less intensive maintenance.