- Achieve highest possible standards for g sustainable building through applying CP8 Sustainable Buildings. These require the achievement of building standards above the national minimum for non-residential development (reaching ‘very good’ or ‘excellent’ BREEAM standards.
- On-site renewable energy technologies will feature in new build and on existing buildings where feasible
- Continue to work towards the energy target: 15% of the city’s energy to be generated from renewable technologies by April 2020.
Following the adoption of the City Plan Part One, successfully implement the strategy to achieve a balance between accommodating the city’s range of development needs, particularly those for homes and jobs, with the continuing need to protect and enhance the city’s high quality historic, built and natural environments and the nationally designated landscape that surrounds the city.
Prepare and submit the City Plan Part 2 for independent examination, the City Plan Part Two which will contain the remaining site allocations and development management policies.
Continue to work proactively and positively with neighbouring authorities to resolve the sub regions un-met housing needs through ‘duty to cooperate’ activities. Prepare Local Strategic Statement 3.
Prepare jointly with Adur District Council, West Sussex County Council and Shoreham Port Authority and respond to consultation on the South Downs National Park Local Plan
Adopt the Urban Design Framework SPD for the city to help deliver high quality design in the city.
Complete the review of the Conservation Strategy which will set future priorities for reducing heritage at risk within the City. Prepare an Old Town Management Plan and update the Queens Park Character Statement.
Adopt the Toads Hole Valley SPD to guide future development of this significant strategic allocation to secure a sustainable city neighbourhood providing homes, jobs and a secondary school and recreational and community facilities.
Neighbourhood Planning – provide technical support and guidance to neighbourhoods.
Plan positively for high quality, inclusive and sustainable design in all developments (single buildings, public and private spaces and larger projects).
Ensure the creation of a built environment access to all which promotes physical and social activity. All homes should meet the lifetime needs of residents through the adoption of the nationally described space standards and higher optional standards for access.
Encourage developers to undertake early consultation with local residents and community infrastructure (such as Neighbourhood Forums) on major planning applications.