What we plan to do

A Healthy Weight Programme Board brings together a wide range of organisations from the voluntary, public and private sectors (in particular food retailers). The Board’s Action Plan outlines four separate domains with a series of actions for each of the partners, the funding sources and key performance indicators. 

The key objective is to strengthen local action to prevent overweight and obesity through a life course approach and to address obesity through appropriate treatment and support.

Ensure the development of a comprehensive weight management service for children and adults from primary through to tertiary care.

Build on the work with the local community to identify and develop local venues for healthy weight and good nutrition linked programmes.

Consider the further development of schools as community hubs for promoting physical activity and healthy eating and the development of “stretched” Public Health Schools Programme outcomes.

Further develop the partnership with local leisure centre providers to increase local community participation.

Strengthen the ongoing work with the Brighton and Hove Economic Partnership to promote healthy eating and lifestyle to employees via the workplace.

Use education initiatives to promote healthy and sustainable food choices and the skills to cook.

Improve the information for people, particularly vulnerable people, about healthy eating options available in their local area.

The transfer of public health responsibility to the local authority provides a unique opportunity for collaborative working between planners, transport planners, environment health and licensing, healthy school teams and school meal teams to address the influences that contribute towards obesity – the “obesogenic environment”.