What has happened over the last three years

In 2010 the government set out its vision in ‘A Call to End Violence Against Women and Girls’.  In line with national approaches, Brighton & Hove has adopted a ‘Violence against Women and Girls’ strategy, which addresses those crimes which are typically gender-biased towards females.  

The city has commissioned specialist domestic abuse services, including adult and family support, Independent Domestic Violence Advisors (IDVAs) and refuge provision.  We have been managing work with high risk victims of domestic violence and abuse through Multi-Agency Risk Assessment Conferences (MARACs) and our capacity to do so has been increased.  Brighton & Hove was awarded ‘White Ribbon status’ in recognition of the approach in the city and have run the ‘16 Days’ programme on an annual basis to raise awareness and knowledge among local communities, families, friends and employers and to encourage and increase reporting.

The Sussex Sexual Assault Referral Centre (SARC) was opened in 2009 and has continued to provide immediate support to victims of sexual assault and forensic services.  The SARC refers victims on to local services where the victim can receive further support through Independent Sexual Violence Advisers (ISVAs), counselling or other services (including Sexual Health)

Our local provision also includes support for women offenders in recognition of the range of needs they may have, as well as other forms of specialist services, including interventions for victims of child sexual exploitation and those engaged in the sex industry as well as work to develop our response to harmful traditional practices and to provide preventative education in schools.