The Equality and Inclusion Partnership has overseen a range of actions to reduce inequality and promote community resilience. These include:
- Development and delivery of an improvement plan in response to the findings of the city’s first ever trans needs assessment
- Commission of two data snapshot on experience of disabled and of BME people living, working and studying in the city
- Oversight of two equality in employment research commissions; one addressing barriers to employment for disabled people and those with long term limiting illnesses in the city and one on race equality in employment in Brighton and Hove. These have informed the action plan of the city’s new Employment and Skills Plan
- Taken on responsibility for oversight and monitoring of the delivery of the recommendations produced by the city’s Fairness Commission in 2016. Input to the Fairness Commission engagement process, determining a set of priorities intended to increase fairness in the city
- The pooling of CCG and council budgets to commission community development and engagement activity including with faith, BME, disabled and LGB and Trans communities
- Development of a city Collaboration Framework setting the operating model for public sector organisations in the city
- Development and adoption of a city Social Value Framework and production of a social value guide for commissioners and procurement, and suppliers and providers
- Development of a cross-sector subgroup to deliver the five pledges of the city’s Power of Volunteering commitment including a joint council and CVS initiative to improve the on-line promotion of and application for volunteering opportunities across the public and third sector.