Issues of Concern

Brighton & Hove has fared comparatively better than similar cities of its size and profile. Long-term unemployment fell marginally in 2011 but is rising again; there are now 21,120[1] people receiving out-of work benefits in the city which represents more than 10% of the population, compared with 8.2% in the South East.

Although the unemployment rate is falling it is still an area of concern.  Some participants are now returning to the DWP register following their two year period on the Work Programme having failed to gain employment; these returners will need additional support in order to access training, work experience and future employment.

The unemployment rate is 8.3%, representing 11,800 people looking for work and there are around 4 JSA claimants per unfilled job vacancy.

Wage levels do not reflect the cost of living in the City, e.g. house prices and rents. Wages are still lower than the rest of the South East which reflects the city’s continuing dependence on low wage sectors.

The City Employment & Skills Steering Group monitors the progress of the City Employment & Skills Plan and fosters joint working across the private, public and voluntary sector on activities that provide sustainable employment pathways for residents at all levels from those not yet engaged in the labour market to those wishing to apply graduate skills and experience.

The plan sets out priorities for business growth and inward investment, skills training, employability and job creation.


[1] June 2012