Current position

In 2016 Brighton & Hove was in the top quartile of authorities nationally for key stage 2 outcomes and figures for progress 8 and attainment 8 at key stage 4 are above the national average.

83.3% of pupils achieved a full level 2 qualification by age 19 in the 2014/15 academic year which is slightly short of the national average result of 86%. .

From 2016 onwards data around those who are NEET has been collected in a new way, taking in to account those whose status is not known.  At December 2016 the Brighton & Hove combined figure for academic age 16 and 17 year olds who are NEET and for those whose status is not known is 4.9%, which is a continued improvement on previous performance. We compare very favourably to South East (8.9%) and England (9.5%) and continue to perform better than our statistical neighbours (9.9%).

The Youth Employability Service continues to develop well and has recently gained the Matrix Standard for high quality provision of information, advice and guidance in relation to careers.

Success rates in the city’s colleges continue to improve and are consistently above or very close to national benchmarks for sixth form colleges and general further education colleges.

As at March 2017 94% of primary and 80% of secondary schools are judged to be good or outstanding by Ofsted

Work continues to ensure those educated not at school receive an appropriate education.

We have a strong early years offer in the city with a very high take up of 2year old places and high Ofsted judgements in our early years provision across the city.