Substantially completed the North Street Mixed Priority Route scheme (combined road safety and street enhancement measures)
There are now 23 km of cycle routes in Brighton & Hove
Some pollutant levels are still unacceptably high and traffic is the main source of poor air quality within parts of the city
iI 2009, 53% of children's journeys to local authority schools were by foot; 2% were by cycle; 18% were by public transport and 27% were by car
Continuing to promote walking & cycling as parts of a healthy lifestyle
In 2008/09 the number of people killed or seriously injured (141) on our roads decreased compared to previous yearsÂ
A review of speed limits is being undertaken
Continued promotion of road safety campaigns and publicity, alongside Road Safety Education, with a particular focus on schools, including Bikeability Training and Child Pedestrian Training
Continued fair enforcement of road traffic law to ensure that all road users abide by regulations / legislation