Strengthening Communities & Involving People
To ensure that the city has an increasingly efficient and more effective Third Sector[1]; one that is ready and able to bid for and deliver public services, that enables citizens and communities to have a strong voice in decision making about public services and supports community resilience and well-being through independent citizen and community activity. [2]
[1] The Third Sector comprises not-for-profit and non-governmental organisation. It is a term which encompasses the voluntary and community sector (VCS) and not-for-private-profit organisations, e.g. social enterprises (SE) and charities.
[2] Brighton & Hove Communities & Third Sector Development Policy 2014-17
Brighton & Hove Collaboration Framework
The Brighton & Hove Collaboration Framework has been developed through the efforts of residents, community groups and community, voluntary sector and public sector organisations. It draws on national and local knowledge and the expertise of specialists who have researched both the theory and practice of collaboration, plus experienced successful collaborations within and across communities, the public and private sector.