Raise achievement of disadvantaged pupils across the city.
We are in the process of establishing an overarching strategic board to capture and inform educational development across the city.
Increase the proportion of young people achieving good grades in 8 or more qualifications which will improve outcomes in progress 8 and attainment 8.
Implement the reducing the difference strategy.
Work will continue with the University of Brighton’s Academy Trust to ensure the new secondary free school finds appropriate accommodation and is open for September 2018 and the city council will implement the new school organisation framework to ensure appropriate provision is provided in the city
Work continues to ensure post 16 provision is sustainable.
A consultation document has been released in relation to reconfiguring the Social, Emotional and Mental Health offer across Homewood College and the Pupil Referral Units, and realigning special schools to integrate expertise across education, social care and health.
Continue to increase the proportion of young people achieving Level 2 or Level 3 at 19.
Continue to support through work with schools to increase the numbers of 16-18 year olds participating in apprenticeships and ensure that effective links exist with the new branded digital service (replacing the National Apprenticeship Service). As part of the 16-19 study programmes (part of Ofsted framework) schools are expected to give young people a non-qualification activity to experience the world of work.
Continue to work to develop apprenticeship, traineeship, internships, volunteer and work placement opportunities for key sectors of the Brighton & Hove economy in partnership with employers and ensure that these employers receive the support and guidance that they need to offer such opportunities.
The BEACH website (Brighton Employability Advise and Careers Hut) has been identified as needing updating and we are working with the local enterprise partnerships to identify additional funding vi the Local Economic Partnership (LEP). This site improves the employability and skills of young people in the city.