What we plan to do


Surface water:

  • Reduce Flood Risk to homes vulnerable to surface water flooding.
  • Slow water entering the drainage network to reduce flooding.
  • Reduce urban pollution sources of drainage networks, watercourses and the sea.
  • Have best practice approach to water drainage and storm water in refurbishments and new builds


  • Improve groundwater quality and quantity which is a requirement of the Water Framework Directive – through engagement with Catchment Management Plans
  • Reduce flood risk to sites at risk from groundwater flooding.

Drinking water:

  • Reduce water demand in new housing and current housing. Increase re-use of water.
  • Help reduce demand from business.


  • Using evidence we will better understand the marine environment and its pressures.
  • We will reduce our impact on sea water quality and maintain recreation and local fisheries.
  • Manage the coastline to protect properties from tidal flooding.


Coastal studies:

Brighton Marina to River Adur Flood and Coastal Erosion Risk Management strategy – A range of options for managing coastal erosion and flooding in the future are out for consultation until 17 June. Following this consultation these options will be evaluated in more detail, a short list drawn up and put out to a further round of consultation later in the year.

A report will come to committee in summer 2014 for permission to submit the final document to the Environment Agency for approval.

Brighton Marina to Newhaven coastal strategy – detailed work on a revised and updated strategy for the coast from the Marina to Newhaven will begin next year, led by Lewes District Council, with grant aid from the Environment Agency, this will review the existing strategy - now over 10 years old.

Surface Water Management Plan:

Phase 3 includes: Consideration of viable mitigation options for any flood risk areas and assess the cost/benefit implications; and preparation of a Flood Risk Management Plan (by 22nd June 2015)

Furthermore, development and oversight of a Local Strategy for Flood Risk Management will also be required. This will be a public document, which will not only identify areas of local flood risk and mitigation proposals, but it should also indicate timeframes for implementation and the source of funding for any works.

The Local Climate Impact Profile work made steps towards raising awareness of climate change adaptation across the organisation within Brighton and Hove City Council. Much more could be done across the city to improve resilience and preparedness, including detailed analysis of the local climate projections, a comprehensive assessment of risks and opportunities of our changing climate and a community engagement programme to increase resilience in severe weather.

An adaptation group was convened with a remit to agree the best approach in taking forward actions identified in the Local Climate Impact Profile (LClip) work, and regional links are being explored through the Environment Agency, which now is the responsible authority for Climate Change Adaptation.

Joint working opportunities should be further explored with neighbouring local authorities, organisations and public sector bodies.

The Brighton & Hove and Lewes Downs Biosphere Partnership, for which BHCC is the lead partner, is actively engaging with Southern Water on a catchment management approach to both rural and urban pollution prevention of the groundwater aquifer.,