What we plan to do

All drug and alcohol treatment services will be re-procured for 2015/16. The new service model will have recovery and reintegration at its heart. Whilst the service development work is undertaken the following developments will continue:

  • A focus on education and training for frontline workers, providing advice, information and brief/extended interventions and reducing A&E attendance and hospital admissions.
  • Work with the hospital clinical alcohol champion to promote the integration of alcohol services throughout the hospital in order to improve patient health, to reduce re-attendances/re-admissions and to reduce length of stay in hospital
  • Wider service user consultation, including working with BME and LGBT communities.
  • Deliver a programme of alcohol-free events, which in turn help to challenge the ‘drinking culture’ reputation of Brighton and Hove. 

Further development of licensing policy and practise will include:

  • Licensing Committee will consider recommendations made by the BHCC Scrutiny panel on licensing
  • Local community engagement by licensing officers
  • Enforcement priorities include: a risk based, prioritised inspection programme, targeting illicit, mis-described, smuggled, alcohol lacking traceability/authenticity; test purchasing and age restricted sales and proxy purchasing.