What has happened over the last three years

  • The multiagency Brighton and Hove Tobacco Control Alliance has been established. The Alliance has recently developed an action plan with four main areas:
  1. Helping communities to stop smoking;
  2. Maintaining and promoting smoke free environments;
  3. Stopping the inflow of young people recruited as smokers
  4. tackling cheap and illicit tobacco.
  • Smoking cessation services are the most cost-effective life saving intervention provided by the NHS. A local stop smoking specialist service co-ordinates local smoking cessation services and provides training and support for intermediate services delivered by general practices and pharmacies. Over the last ten years local smoking cessation services have helped around 30,000 people to try and stop smoking.  In 2012/13 the stop smoking services helped 2,042 people to successfully quit.
  • The specialist service provides stop smoking sessions in the most deprived neighbourhoods, and through workplaces helps smokers who are routine and manual workers to quit.  There is a well established service within the hospital.
  • All pregnant women are now routinely screened for smoking using carbon monoxide monitors.
  • Support is provided in schools to reduce the number of young people starting smoking and to help those